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  • AI Brain
  • 2014년 1월 6일 월요일

    타이키 스마트폰 로봇, 2014 CES “더 좋은 세상을 위한 기술” 부문 혁신상 수상


    공인인증기관 한국전자인증입니다
     지능로봇 전문기업인 보나비젼과 협력하여
    세계적 경쟁력을 가진 인공지능 스마트폰을 이용한 로봇기술을 상용화하고 있습니다.

    보나비젼에서 스마트폰 로봇이 24일 일산 킨텍스(KINTEX)에서 열리는 '로보월드 2013'에 자사의
    스마트폰 로봇 '타이키(Tyche)' 가 처음 알파버젼으로 공개 되었습니다. 

    '타이키(Tyche)' 뉴스관련 ->

    '타이키(Tyche)'가 세계 최대의 국제 가전쇼 (2014 International CES)  에서 전시될
    혁신 디자인  엔지니어링 상의 하나인 “ 좋은 세상을 위한 기술” 부문에서 혁신상을 수상하였다고 미국 시간으로 11 12 미국 소비자 가전 협회 (CEA) 발표한
    수상자 명단을 인용하여 오늘 발표되었습니다. 

    좋은소식입니다.  Good  News!!!


    Technology for a better world

    한국전자인증미국 실리콘밸리 현지 법인 에이아이브레인 출품

    한국전자인증은 미국 실리콘밸리 현지 법인인 에아이브레인이 출품한 타이키 (Tyche) 내년 1 7일부터 라스베가스에서 열리는 세계 최대의 국제 가전쇼 (2014 International CES)  에서 전시될혁신 디자인  엔지니어링 상의 하나인 “ 좋은 세상을 위한 기술” 부문에서 혁신상을 수상하였다고 미국 시간으로 11 12 미국 소비자 가전 협회 (CEA) 발표한 수상자 명단을 인용하여오늘 발표하였다.
    타이키는 보고 듣고 말하며 놀면서 아이들 스스로  지능 계발을 도모하는 차세대 인공지능 로봇을목표로 하고있다타이키 (Tyche)  시제품은 국내 자매회사인  보나비전과 함께 인공지능 기술을 개발하여 국내에서는 지난   로보월드를 통하여 처음 선보인 제품이다.

    내년  CES 에서 선보일 고급 지능 어플을 탑재한 Tyche 완제품은  에아이브레인을 통해 내년 중반부터  전세계에 출시할 예정이다에아이브레인은 지난해 2 한국전자인증이 출자하여 설립된미국 실리콘밸리 중심부 팔토알토에 소재한 미국 법인으로 한국전자인증의 대표이사인 신홍식 박사가 CEO 있고미국 MIT 출신인 Bo Morgan 박사가 CTO 있으며 또한 Siri  공동 설립자인 Mark Drummond 박사가 컨설팅 고문으로 참여하는  미국유럽  세계적인 인공지능 전문가들이 함께연구 개발에 참여하고 있다.
    (사진) "부엌으로 가서 엄마를 찾아 사진을 찍어 여기로 돌아와요." 등의 대화를 알아듣고 추론하는차세대 인공지능 동반자 로봇 

    CEA 2014  최고의 혁신 디자인  엔지니어링 수상자 발표
    소비자 가전 협회 (CEA)2014  1 7일부터 10일까지 국제 CES  에서 전시될 혁신 디자인  엔지니어링  수상자를 미국 시간으로 11 12  발표했다. CES 혁신 상은28  가전 제품 종목에걸쳐 뛰어난 디자인과 공학의 진보를 명예롭게 인정하는 상이다.
    "올해의 CES 최고혁신상 제품들은 우리가 살고 일하고 즐기는 방식을 바꾸는 차세대 기술의 전반을조명한다."  국제 CES사업전략 담당 카렌  추프카 선임 부사장은 말했다. "2014 혁신  프로그램은 기록적인 숫자의 제품들이 신청하였다우리는 CES 진정한 정신  기술 산업을 반영하는이러한 수상 제품들의 혁신 뒤에 담긴 창조적  생각과 디자인에 경외심을 금할  없습니다. "라고 덧붙였다.
    CES 혁신상 응모 제품들은 기술 사양  재료와 관련된 전체 엔지리어링 품질미학  디자인 품질제품의 용도와 기능고유의 기능  제품의 디자인  혁신을 중심으로 시장에서 여타 제품과어떻게 차별화되는지 등을 대상으로 심사한다.

    CEA Announces 2014 Best of Innovations Design and Engineering Honorees

    Innovations Award Honorees to be showcased at 2014 CES

    Arlington, VA – 11/12/2013 – The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)® announced today its 2014 International CES® Best of Innovations Design and Engineering Award Honorees. The CES Innovations Awards honor outstanding design and engineering advancements across 28 consumer electronics product categories, including two new categories focused on some of the latest trends: 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing and Wearable Technologies.
    “This year’s CES Best of Innovations Award Honorees run the gamut of next-generation technologies changing the way we live, work and play,” said Karen Chupka, senior vice president, International CES and corporate business strategy, CEA. “The 2014 Innovations Award program saw a record number of entries. We continue to be awed by the creative thought and design behind these award-winning innovations, which reflect the true spirit of CES and the technology industry.”
    The Best of Innovations designation is awarded to products with the highest judges’ scores, which will be featured in the Innovations Design and Engineering Awards Showcase in The Venetian at the 2014 International CES. Owned and produced by CEA, the 2014 CES, the world’s gathering place for all who thrive on the business of consumer technologies, runs January 7-10, 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
    The 26 Best of Innovations Honorees will also be displayed at CES Unveiled LAS VEGAS: the Official Media Event of the International CES, from 4-7 p.m. Sunday, January 5, at Mandalay Bay, Level 3, South Seas Ballroom C.
    CES Innovations Awards entries are judged on overall engineering qualities related to technical specifications and materials, aesthetics and design qualities, the product’s intended use and function, unique features and how the design and innovation of the product compares to others in the marketplace.

    Technology for a Better World


    AIBrain, Inc.
    A $200 robot companion for kids that follows the voice command: "Go to the kitchen, find Mom, take a picture of her and return here." A cell-phone provides processor, cameras, microphones, sensors. Cheap but intelligent robot. Kids are teachers!



    앞으로가 더 기대되는 대화를 알아듣고 추론하는
    차세대 인공지능 동반자 로봇 '타이키 (Tyche)’입니다.

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